Reaching for a Dream…

CCaine_IGDo you ever feel stuck in a life phase you don’t particularly like? Well, I have often felt that way. Until 2 years ago my job was changing diapers and making kiddie snacks for a wonderful, high energy family – which, great as it was, wasn’t what I’d imagined after 2, and later 3 university degrees. I’d work up to 13 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, tumbling into bed at 12 or later, only to wake up at 6 to shuttle kids to school…again.

Now taking care of kids is a really important job – I learned a lot of valuable lessons and had loads of heartwarming stories to tell about the cute things the kids would say. The problem was, it was a far cry from my dream of working as a communicator in a dynamic team that combats social issues like sexism and human trafficking.

Two bits of advice really helped me navigate a path through diaper changing and toward my life goals when I was reading Christine Caine’s book, Can I have and do it all, please? She wrote this book after women all over the world kept asking her the same question – ‘how do you do it? How do you fit being a wife, mom, activist, and international speaker in your life?

CCaine_dreamAnswer #1 – each season of your life, even the ones that seem far away from your dreams, is part of God’s special plan for your life. God didn’t just have an interesting sense of humour in his choice of job for me, but important humility lessons too. Just like Romona and Carolyn told us in their posts, when we realise that our ‘now’ is part of our destiny, it helps us to embrace our season and have peace with it.

Answer #2 – constantly reevaluate where you are in life, and set goals for getting to your dreams. This may seem like the opposite of point 1, but actually these concepts work together. An amazing woman called Christina really helped me understand how to do this. (As a wife, mom, and successful businesswoman I guess she’s learned a lot!). Her advice was to brainstorm all the things I want to achieve in my life, from super important to unimportant – get it all out there on paper. Then, to ask God which aspects belong to now, and together with trusted friends, to make action steps to achieve those goals. Simple yet powerful, right?

I’m still rather far from my dream destination, but the cool thing is I’m at least ten steps closer! This blog is one of those steps, and actually, I’m in the process of making new goals – it takes work, but in bite sizes our dreams can be closer than we think….

What life phase are you in, and what steps can you take to reach your dream?

10 thoughts on “Reaching for a Dream…

  1. LOVE this! Everyone has a purpose as God has a special plan for each of us. We just have to seek him for what it may be and be patient with every step that he walks us towards and through it. I know that being in grad school right now is a part of my process to reach my purpose and dream. That’s great that you’re understanding and progressing towards yours too.

  2. Pingback: Reaching for a Dream… | Love Thy Introvert

  3. Excellently put Anita, and what an inspiring testimony. Bite size pieces is the key! Thank you for this and thank you for being courageous enough to make good on your goals…like doing this blog! love it! and of course, love yooooou!

    • Hi Romona, great to hear from you again! Yes I like the way you put it… Bite sizes help us process the big picture. You’re a talented woman and I’m looking forward to seeing what lies ahead in your life! xxx

  4. Congratulations on 10 awesome steps!! We are constantly amazed by the power of gratitude for our accomplishments, and that the more attention we spend focusing on the positive, the more positive we attract!! Simply put, we love the idea that “Where intention goes, energy flows.”
    Did you hear about the Harvard study about goals and the power of writing down and sharing our goals with others?? Pretty awesome:
    In that year, the students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only 3% of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13% had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84% had no specific goals at all.

    Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, TWICE as much as the 84% who had no goals at all. And what about the 3% who had clear, written goals? They were earning, on average, TEN TIMES as much as the other 97% put together.

    Thanks for the inspiration!! ❤

    • Hi there! Thanks for your reply, and no I hadn’t heard of the study – VERY interesting and also challenging. Definitely motivates me to make those goals 😉 Hope to hear more of your comments! Have you set goals that have paid of??

  5. Pingback: “But didn’t God say – ?” | Sisterhood Sticky Notes

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